Suna Regens Kennel
Some Results for Flower: 2014
KBHV-2014 & NJV-2013 N. Dk. S. Nordic.Ch Suna Regens Rox Sunflower
Hillerød, Danmark 20th of Sept on KBHV-2014
judge: Gabriela Veiga
KBHV-2014 & NJV-2013
Flower: Suna Regens Rox Sunflower CC, KBHV-2014 titles to her credit & BOS
Trippel Show in Skien, Norway from 11-13th of July-2014

SR Rox Sunflower
Cert, BOB & BOG-4
SR Rox Sunflower Cert & BOB
SR Rox Sunnyboy Cert & BOS
Judge: Georg Schogol, Georgia
Greyhound Spec 8th of June
Flower: Suna Regens Rox Sunflower won CC & became BOS
judge: Gabriel Valdez, Brazil
NKK Drammen 1th of June
Flower::Suna Regens Rox Sunflower won intermediate class with CQ and became 4-Best Bitch
I Concurso Canino Banyeres de Mariola 2014 Spain 16th of March
Flower: Suna Regens Rox Sunflower BOB & BOG upl in BIS finale
judge:  Francisco de Asís, Spain & Alvaro Rios